
Amount of merchandise purchased on credit and not paid for by the balance sheet date. Also known as Trade Creditors. In Italy, Accounts Payable include Cambiali Creditors where applicable.

Amount of sales made and billed to customers on credit terms. This is money owed by customers and not yet received. Also called Trade Debtors. The value may or may not be net of bad debts. In Italy, Accounts Receivable include Cambiali Debtors where applicable.

Address line(s) of a business' physical location.

Folders that include all suppliers that are part of a customer's supply base. The supply base may consist of just one "All Suppliers" admin folder, or may have a "parent/child" structure broken out by divisions or taxonomies. Other examples of Admin folders include the "Certified Suppliers" folder for suppliers on-boarded through the optional Registration Portal. In all cases, the "All Suppliers" folder represents all the D-U-N-S® that are registered or assigned to the customer's supply base, either through the initial load process or which have been added "ad-hoc" by authorized users.

Federal Airport Concession Disadvantage Business Enterprise regulations (49 CFR Part 23) indicates whether a business operates as a concessionaire at one of the nation’s airports and meets the ownership eligibility requirements as set forth by the regulations outlined in 49 CFR Part 23. Available for US businesses.

A notification to a user that one or more of the Financial, Operational or Governmental Indicators has satisfied the Alert Configuration criteria for an alert. For Predictive Scores and Ratings, alerts indicate whether values have dropped or risen above a designated threshold. For Event Indicators, alerts indicate when an event indicator (e.g., Operations, OSHA, Suits) has turned on or off due to activity surrounding that specific supplier. When a supplier is initially added to a watchlist, initial alerts are generated for that supplier if it falls into the negative zone as specified in the Alert Configuration. Henceforth, alerts represent changes that satisfy the criteria in the Alert Configuration.

Additional business names used by a business; also referred to as a DBA (doing business as), AKA (also known as) name, or trade style.

Sales generated by a business on a yearly basis. May be derived from sales, gross revenue, commissions, or billings. May be estimated, actual, projected, or consolidated.

A series of questions (steps) that provide the supplier the opportunity to complete a self-assessment of their performance. An assessment can be initiated by a subscriber or a supplier user. See Lean Assessment or Quality Assessment.

A branch is an additional location of a business. It is not a separate legal entity, although it may pay its own bills. A branch has the same legal business name as its headquarters, although, branches frequently operate under a different trade style. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters even though it has a unique trade style and unique operations. In such cases, the branch will appear to be a duplicate of the headquarters' record.

Indicates a business shows signs of financial distress, such as existing or imminent business failure or operating difficulty.

The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Federal Government of the United States. The Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) administers the CAGE code system which provides a standardized method of identifying a given legal entity at a specific location.

Amount of cash on hand and in banks and other liquid assets where available.

Indicates whether subject is classified as a small business by the Small Business Administration (SBA). This indicator is flagged when at least one of the small business sub categories (such as SBA Certified HUB Zone, SBA Certified 8(a) Program) is indicated for the business. Available for US businesses.

Name of the city or town (according to the postal service) in which a business is located.

The Commercial Credit Score Class is available for US and Canadian business profiles predicts the likelihood of a business paying its bills in a severely delinquent manner (91 days or more past terms), obtaining legal relief from its creditors or ceasing operations without paying all creditors in full over the next 12 months. D&B defines severe delinquency as a business with at least 10% of its payments 91 days or more past due, based on the information in D&B's commercial database.

A Commercial Credit Risk Class of 1-5 is a segmentation of the scoreable universe into five distinct groups where a one (1) represents businesses that have the lowest probability of delinquency, and five (5) represents businesses with the highest probability of delinquency. This Class enables a customer to quickly segment their new and existing accounts into various risk segments to determine appropriate marketing or credit policies. Note: Commercial Credit Scores are not calculated for those businesses designated as "Discontinued at This Location", "Open Bankruptcy", or "Higher Risk". These records are automatically assigned a score of zero (0). Additionally, no score is calculated for businesses designated as “Business Deterioration”, which are business records with a missing or invalid address, branch records with a foreign headquarter location, or businesses without a DUNS Number

The Commercial Credit Score Percentile is a 1-100 ranking where a percentile of 1 has the highest probability of delinquency and a percentile of 100 has the lowest probability of delinquency.

The table below illustrates the incidence of delinquency associated with the Commercial Credit Score Class and Percentile for business entities located in the United States (please note that the CCS percentile to class mapping varies by country/region).

Credit Score Percentile Credit Score Class Delinquency Rate
91-100 1 1.1 %
71-90 2 2.5 %
31-70 3 5.8 %
11-30 4 9.4 %
1-10 5 53.1 %

The congressional district in which the address for an entity falls. Only available for US entities.

Supplier users plus Points of Contact.

The country/region where a business is located.

Indicates whether criminal proceedings exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier. Criminal Proceedings refer to when a company is the defendant or has been convicted in a criminal proceeding.

Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities. For Italy, the Current Ratio is calculated by (Total Current Assets - Stock Depreciation - Bad Debts) / Total Current Liabilities. For Belgium, the Current Ratio = Total Current Assets / (Total Current Liabilities + Regularization Account).

Custom Fields allow customers the ability to name up to five custom fields to track information that is important to them. Examples include Basic Spend, Criticality, and Percentage of business. These fields are displayed on the supplier profile page and can also be included when printing custom reports. The custom fields must be defined by your D&B consultant or delivery representative and the information to populate the fields must be provided by the customer and uploaded through the VM load process at the customer instance level.

You can search for suppliers by Custom Fields with the Advanced Search option under the My Private Folder, Supply Base, and Certified Suppliers tabs. Under the Advanced Search select the field you wish to search with the 'Select Custom Field' drop down. Additional criteria such as 'Like', 'Less Than', 'Greater Than', and 'Equal to' can be chosen under the 'Select Custom Operator' drop down.

Super Admin users can edit the content that has previously been uploaded. D&B consultant or delivery representatives can delete or change the names of the fields. D&B does not update any of the information provided and these fields must be monitored by the user for changes and updates.

To get started using Custom Fields, contact your D&B consultant or delivery representative to help you get started.

The D&B Rating (e.g., 4A3)) a global multi-dimensional risk assessment tool that is comprised of two parts:

a) The first part indicates the size of the company, based primarily on net worth, issued capital or number of employees.

b) The second part assesses the likelihood of failure or overall credit standing based on a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 represents lowest risk and 4 represents highest risk.

The D&B Rating in the majority of countries is divided into two parts: the Financial Strength Code and the Risk Indicator. Financial Strength is reflected in the first 2 characters of the rating and is an indication of the size of the subject’s tangible net worth (that is, the shareholders funds less any intangible assets) based primarily on the most recent fiscal balance sheet results. The Risk Indicator is the last character of the rating. It reflects the risk associated with the business and is used to determine The Composite Credit Appraisal which is linked to the level of risk and is an overall evaluation of credit worthiness. This appraisal takes into account the financial condition but also several non-financial factors such as trade payment history, length of operation, employee numbers, legal structure, management experience and any adverse listings.

In some countries, the first 2 characters of the rating are determined when D&B uses other information in its databases to assign either an ‘ER’ (Employee Range) to businesses within specific industries or an ‘1R’, ‘2Ra’, etc. ratings for companies without current financial statements on file.

For the specific values in the country/region you are interested in refer to the Global Ratings Guide.

Additional Values:

Under certain conditions, the D&B Rating in a report may display the following designations:

Scores that correspond to each of the performance aspects relevant to each rated supplier. Calculated based on general aspect survey data, ERP systems data, and other relevant data sources. See Overall Performance Rating.

The following are descriptions of the survey questions, which partially contribute to detailed ratings:

The D&B Viability Rating, is currently available for US and Canadian businesses. The rating, uses D&B’s proprietary analytics to compare the most predictive business risk indicators and deliver a highly reliable assessment of the probability that a company will go out of business, become dormant/inactive, or file for bankruptcy/insolvency within the next 12 months. The D&B Viability Rating is made up of 4 components:

  1. Viability Score
    Viability Score is the first of four components within the D&B Viability Rating. It is a high-level risk indicator that assesses the probability that a company will no longer be a viable business within the next 12 months, compared to businesses in the same country/region within the D&B database. A business is no longer viable when it goes out of business, becomes dormant/ inactive or files for bankruptcy/insolvency.

    The ranking ranges from 1 to 9 where 9 reflects the highest probability of becoming no longer viable and 1 reflects the lowest probability.

    NOTE: The Viability Score is best used when ranking all businesses within your portfolio.

  2. Portfolio Comparison
    Portfolio Comparison is the second of four components within the D&B Viability Rating. Portfolio Comparison is a more detailed risk indicator that assesses the viability of a company compared to similar businesses within the same model segment which are determined by the amount and type of data available. A business is no longer viable when it goes out of business, becomes dormant/ inactive or files for bankruptcy/insolvency.

    The Portfolio Comparison ranking ranges from 1 to 9 where 9 reflects the highest probability of becoming no longer viable and 1 reflects the lowest probability.

    Every business falls into 1 of 4 profile segments. The segments will vary by country/region as follows:

    United States Canada
    Available Financial Data Large Businesses with Established Trade Payments
    Established Trade Payments Large Businesses with Firmographics and Business Activity
    Limited Trade Payments Small to Medium Business with Established Trade Payments
    Firmographics and Business Activity Small to Medium Business with Firmographics and Business Activity

    NOTE: The Portfolio Comparison is best used when analyzing the individual risk level of a company compared to businesses within the same profile segment.

  3. Data Depth Indicator
    The Data Depth measure uses a combination of Firmographic, Trade, and Financial attributes that are critical to assessing the future viability of a business to determine the depth of predictive data elements available on the business. In general, higher the percentage of predictive data attributes, greater is the Data Depth value. The following table outlines the most common scenarios associated with the different Data Depth values.

    Depth of Data Description Level of Insight
    A Rich Firmographics, Extensive commercial trading activity, and Comprehensive Financial attributes Robust Predictions
    B Rich Firmographics, Extensive commercial trading activity,and/or Basic Financial attributes
    C Rich Firmographics, Extensive commercial trading activity,and no Financial attributes Decision Support
    D Rich Firmographics, Partial commercial trading activity,and no Financial attributes Directional
    E Rich Firmographics, Sparse commercial trading activity,and no Financial attributes
    F Basic Firmographics, Trace commercial trading activity and no Financials attributes Basic
    G Basic Firmographics and no Financial Attributes
    H Business is either Chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation) or an officer or owner of the business confirmed they no longer operate and are out of business. Out of Business
    I Business shows limited to no business activity and has multiple signs of inactivity (e.g. disconnected phone, vacant address, no longer in a telephone directory etc.) and we are unable to confirm active operations at a specific location. Unable to Confirm Designation
    J Business has filed for Chapter 9, 11, 12, 13 Bankruptcy and the plan of reorganization is not yet confirmed Bankruptcy
    K A company which displays characteristics of misrepresentation High Risk -Severe Risk
    L A company that has self-requested a Duns number and D&B has not yet conducted an investigation Self Reported Duns Support Record
    M A company which displays signs of financials distress, including signs of current or imminent business failure or operating difficulty Business Deterioration -Severe Risk
  4. Company Profile
    Company Profile is the fourth of four components within the D&B Viability Rating. The Company Profile describes a company based on a combination of 4 categories:

    • Financial Data
    • Trade Payments
    • Company Size
    • Years in Business

    A company is characterized by a letter which ranges from A – X; with each letter representing a combination of the 4 categories that make up the company's profile. For example, A describes a company with a comprehensive level data, which has been in business 5+ years, with 50+ employees or $500K+ in Sales, while X reflects a company with a minimal data, in business

    Company Profile Ranking Financial Data Trade Payments Company Size Years in Business
    A Available Refer to Data Depth Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Established: 5+
    B Available Refer to Data Depth Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Young:<5
    C Available Refer to Data Depth Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Established: 5+
    D Available Refer to Data Depth Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Young: <5
    E Available Refer to Data Depth Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Established: 5+
    F Available Refer to Data Depth Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Young: <5
    G Not Available Available: (3+Trade) Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Established: 5+
    H Not Available Available: (3+Trade) Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Young: <5
    I Not Available Available: (3+Trade) Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Established: 5+
    J Not Available Available: (3+Trade) Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Young: <5
    K Not Available Available: (3+Trade) Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Established: 5+
    L Not Available Available: (3+Trade) Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Young: <5
    M Not Available Available: (1-2 Trade) Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Established: 5+
    N Not Available Available: (1-2 Trade) Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Young: <5
    O Not Available Available: (1-2 Trade) Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Established: 5+
    P Not Available Available: (1-2 Trade) Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Young: <5
    Q Not Available Available: (1-2 Trade) Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Established: 5+
    R Not Available Available: (1-2 Trade) Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Young: <5
    S Not Available Not Available Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Established: 5+
    T Not Available Not Available Large: Employees: 50+ or Sales: $500K+ Young: <5
    U Not Available Not Available Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Established: 5+
    V Not Available Not Available Medium: Employees: 10-49 or Sales: $100K-$499K Young: <5
    W Not Available Not Available Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Established: 5+
    X Not Available Not Available Small: Employees: <10 and Sales: <$10K or Missing Young: <5
    Y Branch
    Z Subsidiary
A disabled veteran recognized by the state of California as a veteran of the U.S. military, naval, or air service, with a service-connected disability of at least 10% or more and who is a California resident. Where at least 51% is owned by disabled veterans and conducts daily business management and control. The home office cannot be a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, foreign firm or other foreign-based entity. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. As defined in (38 U.S.C. §101(2)) The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. Available for US businesses.

A business that is usually certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility. May include women, minority, disabled and other disadvantaged as a result of economic disadvantages with respect to education, employment, residence or business location or social disadvantage and lack of business training. Available for US businesses.

A business that is a small business concern owned and controlled by veterans, where not less than 51% is owned controlled and managed by veterans. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. As defined in (38 U.S.C. §101(2)) The term "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. Available for US businesses.

Indicates whether special events concerning disasters such as fire, hurricanes, etc., exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

A division is an operating unit of a business entity with a specific divisional name performing a specific activity normally different than the activity performed at the Headquarters. A division is different than a branch in that the division is operated like a separate and unique entity (it may have divisional officers; however, it is not legally a separate entity).

Stands for: Data Universal Numbering System number. A 9-digit non-indicative identification number (e.g., 75-000-0018) assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to each separate commercial entity in the Dun & Bradstreet database. For businesses with multiple locations, each location is assigned its own unique D-U-N-S® Number.

"D-U-N-S® Support" refers to a company for which D&B has minimal data.  Sometimes these companies are newly founded and D&B is in the process of investigating them to obtain more complete data.

EMMA is a country/region specific, statistically based score that predicts the likelihood of a business in an emerging market to be problematic in paying its debts within the next 12 months and eventually going out-of-business. EMMA is based on a 1-10 scale, where 1 represents the lowest measure of risk and 10 implies the highest measure of risk. In some countries, like China, an EMMA of 0 can be assigned when the minimum data requirements to score a business cannot be met.
The definition of EMMA varies by country/region and is determined by richness of data in a country’s database and how business risk is measured in that country/region. The minimum data requirements for assigning the score vary by country/region and are governed by local market business dynamics. EMMA scores are calculated utilizing the portion of a country’s database that afford richer data including past payment data, financials, age of business, industry classifications and others. Available for businesses in China and Mexico.

The Employer ID Number is a unique business identifier associated with the location (D-U-N-S®), assigned by the federal government. It is also called the Federal Tax ID. If more than one EIN is in the D&B database for this business, the one rated most likely to be correct is displayed.

The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) identifies supplier facilities that have been excluded by the U.S. Government from receiving federal contracts or certain subcontracts, or certain types of federal financial and non-financial assistance. When this indicator is ON, you may expand the indicator to see additional information concerning the CT code, agency, and term date. The CT (Cause and Treatment) code indicates the cause of the exclusion and the treatment for the exclusion. The agency is the organization that placed the supplier on the exclusion list. The term date is the date the exclusion will end.

An EPLS indicator that applies to at least one member of a supplier's corporate family. The family includes branches, headquarters, and divisions.

EPA Formal Actions (5yrs)
Indicates the number of enforcement actions that have been taken against the facility within the twenty most recent complete quarters (5 years). Available for US businesses.

Alleged Current Violations
Indicates that the facility is currently designated as a High Priority Violator under the Clean Air Act (CAA) or is in significant non-compliance under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). For the Water Data Search, The Alleged Current Significant Violations column will show a letter, indicating the SNC status, instead of "yes." The water SNC status codes are detailed below: The High Priority Violator and Significant Noncompliance designations indicate violations by point source dischargers of sufficient magnitude or duration to be a regulatory priority. Removal from the significant violator list varies somewhat by program. For the Air program only, sources continue to be considered high priority violators until they are in full compliance and all penalties are paid.

EPA Penalties (5yrs)
Indicates the total dollar amount of either assessed (or final) penalties that have been taken against the facility within the twenty most recent complete quarters (5 years). Available for US businesses.

EPA Last Penalty Date
Indicates the date of the most recent assessed (or final) penalty that has been taken against the facility. Penalties listed within the last five years are included. Available for US businesses.

EPA Amt. of Last Penalty
Indicates the total dollar amount of the most recent assessed (or final) penalty given to a facility. Penalties listed within the last five years are included. Available for US businesses.

Failure Score Class (formerly known as FSS Class)
The Financial Stress Score predicts the likelihood of a firm experiencing financial stress over the next 12 months. D&B defines a financially stressed company as one that obtains legal relief from its creditors, ceases business operations without paying all its creditors in full, voluntarily withdraws from business operations and leaves unpaid obligations, goes into receivership or reorganization, or makes an arrangement for the benefit of creditors over the next 12 month period, based on the information in D&B's commercial database.

The FSS scores are calculated using statistical models derived from D&B's extensive database of U.S. businesses including Payment, Public Filing, Demographic, and Financial information when available. The Scoring System segments the universe of scored businesses into five distinct Risk Classes where a one (1) represents businesses that have the lowest probability of failure, and a five (5) represents businesses with the highest probability of failure. Failure Score Class (formerly known as FSS Class) scores are available for US and Canadian businesses.

The Financial Stress Percentile is a 1-100 ranking where a percentile of 1 has the highest likelihood that a company will experience financial stress which includes ceasing operations without paying all creditors in full or obtaining legal relief from creditors over the next twelve months.

A Financial Stress Score is not available on business files that fall into the following categories:

Failure Score (1-100)
The Failure Score is a 1-100 ranking where 1 has the highest likelihood that a company will experience financial stress which includes ceasing operations without paying all creditors in full or obtaining legal relief from creditors over the next twelve months. A ranking of 100 has the lowest likelihood of financial stress or failure. This Failure Score is also commonly referred to as Failure Score Class (formerly known as FSS Class) in the United States and Canada.

Indicates whether special events, including financial embarrassment and legal filings, exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

A global headquarters location for a particular branch of a company.

Supplier's Overall Rating, calculated using data from all organizations.

The Global Ultimate D-U-N-S® belongs to the highest member of the corporate family worldwide.

A business that is certified by an agency as having met all of their standards that award eligibility within one of the following categories: process, product, building, design, energy, food, community, or tourism.

A Headquarters is a business location that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is legally responsible for those branches or divisions.

Application that is run from a Web browser on a remote computer. The advantage is that the application can be run from almost any computer and the software is routinely upgraded and maintained by the hosting organization rather than each individual user or customer. Supplier Risk Manager is a web-hosted application.

Supplier's Overall Rating, calculated using only the data provided by your organization. See Overall Performance Rating.

Includes merchandise on hand that is ready to be sold. May also include work in progress and raw materials minus depreciation.

Last Updated indicates the last date that this supplier was updated in Supplier Risk Manager.

Lean assessment offers key fundamentals in gauging a supplier's performance. The three primary categories that Lean assessment covers are: LIENS/CLAIMS INDICATOR
Indicates whether open claims, liens, protested bills, warrants, Social Securities Summons, or equivalent exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

Narrative description of the operations or activities of a business generated from the primary SIC code under which it is classified. For example, the Line of Business description for SIC Code 3674 is Semiconductors and Related Devices. LIVE REPORT
The "Live Report" is also known as the "Supplier Qualifier Report", or "SQR". Live reports are available by clicking the "Live Report" on the profile page. SQR reports consist of several sections that describe the characteristics of a supplier, and include risk ratings for the supplier. The Live Report can often provide additional details for some of the indicators, like the Operations and Suits indicators, displayed on the profile page. SQR reports are available for businesses in: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Spain, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, UK, and US. If the SQR report is not available, an International Business Information Report (BIR) or a European Comprehensive Report (COMP) will be provided.

Location (also referred to as Structure) indicates whether the supplier location is a Headquarters (H), Branch (B), or Single Location (S). See Branch or Headquarters or Single Location

The Management Control Year is the year that the person/party with current majority control or ownership of this business obtained such control/ownership.

A U.S. business that is at least 51% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more members of a socially and economically disadvantaged minority group, namely U.S. citizens who are African Americans (Black), Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans and Sub-Continent Asian Americans. Available for US businesses.

A Minority Business Enterprise usually certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility. Available for US businesses.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), established in April 1997, replaces the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) and groups producing and nonproducing economic activities into 20 sectors and 1,170 industries in the United States version. It was developed to provide common industry definitions for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to facilitate analyses of the economies of the three countries. If a company has both domestic and foreign locations, only the domestic locations would be assigned NAICS codes.

A registration/identifier number assigned by local government agencies to identify a business within the local market. Examples of a National Business ID include the France SIRET Number, UK CRO Number, Europe VAT Number, Australia Company Number, and the Brazilian State Registry Number. The National Business ID, along with the D-U-N-S® Number and D&B business data will help you uniquely identify a business record within a market. NET INCOME
Amount left over after all expenses and taxes are deducted. Also called Net Profit or Loss after Taxes.

Total amount of Equity (Net Worth). Includes capital stock, retained earnings treasury stock, etc. — is not the Tangible Net Worth. May be negative.

"Not Quoted" refers to a business entity that has been acquired or merged into another entity, has ceased operations at that location, or whose record has been taken to an inactive status by D&B for other reasons such as inability to confirm operations or duplicate records for the same entity.

The OFAC Indicator has been replaced with the GCL Indicator, which stands for the Government Control List, provides additional coverage beyond the "Specially Designated Nationals" or SDN list. OFAC stands for "Office of Foreign Assets Control". The previous OFAC indicator was on for an entity when OFAC placed this entity on its list of "Specially Designated Nationals", or SDN. OFAC describes the SDN as follows: "As part of its enforcement efforts, OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country/region specific. Collectively, such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them." The GCL Indicator will be on for an entity when the entity is matched to a name listed on any of Government Controls lists (see GCL Indicator for the GCL list names).

The GCL Indicator, which stands for the Government Control List will be on for an entity when the entity is placed on any of the following government control lists:
GCL List Name Source Details

The OFAC Indicator has been replaced with the GCL Indicator which provides additional coverage beyond the "Specially Designated Nationals" or OFAC SDN List, which is one many lists covered by the GCL Indicator.

Indicates whether special events exist in the D&B database that concern changes to the business´ operations. These include categories such as name changes, management changes, changes of legal form, control, or capital; business wind up or closure; or moves.

Indicator of violation of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards. Violations are cited by OSHA as a result of inspections. Available for US businesses.

Indicates whether special events, not otherwise specified, exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

The Out of Business Indicator will turn "on" within Supplier Risk Manager whenever FSS=0. This occurs when a supplier has ceased operations at a physical location, is undergoing financial reorganization (e.g., Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Liquidation), or has been bought out by another firm and is now operating as a different legal entity. In the latter two cases, the company may physically continue to transact business with customers. However, the company has legally changed and normal contractual protections may no longer exist. It is worth noting, that it is possible for a company’s Out of Business Indicator to go “on” due to a Chapter 11 filing, and then turn “off” when the company successfully returns from Bankruptcy.

A proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, in which either a debtor files a bankruptcy petition and voluntarily seeks protection from creditors, or creditors file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor to force the debtor to pay debts owed to them.

The bankruptcy debtor name.

The current level of progress that has been made toward resolving the bankruptcy filing.

The date on which the status of the bankruptcy became effective as per the presiding court.

The identifier assigned to a bankruptcy filing by the Bankruptcy court.

The chapter of bankruptcy law under which the bankruptcy was filed.

An indicator identifying whether the bankruptcy was filed Voluntarily (V) or Involuntarily (I).

The date the bankruptcy was filed with the court.

Date last updated; the date of the last change made to this record. This is a system date.

The name of the judge presiding over the bankruptcy proceeding.

The name of the bankruptcy court.

The city of the bankruptcy court.

The state of the bankruptcy court.

The name of the attorney listed on the bankruptcy petition.

The city of the attorney listed on the bankruptcy petition.

The state of the attorney listed on the bankruptcy petition.

The Overall Quintile is a Supplier Performance Rating that benchmarks the overall performance of a supplier against that of all other suppliers in its Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code. The 1st quintile is reserved for the best 20% of suppliers within a SIC. The 2nd quintile is for the next 20% of suppliers, and so on. The Summary Quintile calculations take into account all of the data in the Supplier Risk Manager database.

Score that is calculated based on general aspect survey data, ERP systems data, and other relevant data sources. Predicts likely overall performance of a business.

The Parent company is that which has a majority interest in the subject entity (i.e., directly owns more than 50%). The subject entity is then referred to as a "Subsidiary".

The D&B payment score (Paydex) is a score that assesses the historical payment performance of a business over the past 24 months. The score corresponds to an average number of days beyond terms or within terms and is based on all the trade experiences associated with this business in D&B's database. More specifically, the Paydex is a dollar-weighted average of a company's combined individual payment experiences and ranges from 0-100, with higher scores representing businesses that pay their bills more promptly. In most cases, at least three trade experiences are required for the Paydex to be calculated. When a Paydex is unavailable, it is due to insufficient payment experiences in D&B's file. It should not be looked at as a negative score.

Key to the D&B Paydex® Score:

Paydex Payment
100 Anticipate (payments received prior to date of invoice)
90 Discount (payments received within trade discount period)
80 Prompt (payments received within terms granted)
70 15 Days Beyond Terms
60 22 Days Beyond Terms
50 30 Days Beyond Terms
40 60 Days Beyond Terms
30 90 Days Beyond Terms
20 120 Days Beyond Terms
UN, 998, 999 Unavailable

A survey that consists of 10 questions that are used to calculate the Performance Ratings for a supplier. The questions have to do with business aspects, and users are asked to rate a supplier´s performance for each aspect by giving them a score from 0 to 10. The aspects are Overall Performance plus the Detailed Ratings. See Overall Performance Rating and Detailed Rating

A non-admin folder that a user has access to; this may be a public or private folder.

Part of a physical address: the code identifying the geographic subsection of the city in which a business is located. Often referred to as a ZIP code for U.S. companies and Post or Postal Code globally.

The name of the town (according to the postal service) in which a business is located.

Main name of a supplier, business, or division.

Main Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) for a business. The SIC code is an index which describes the function (manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or service) and the line of business in which the company is engaged.

Folders that are created by a user and are for the exclusive use of the user that created them.

Folders that can have several users assigned to them. All users can see the contents of the folder, but only the Folder Owner can modify it. Ownership can be transferred between users with the proper authorization. Please note, only Owners can generate Custom Reports on their Public Folder.

The features of a Quality assessment offer the ability to measure and rate key objectives with your suppliers within all the areas that impact quality. The Quality assessment asks industry standard questions that allow gauging these metrics.

Cash plus Accounts Receivable divided by Current Liabilities. For Italy, the Quick Ratio is calculated by: (Total Current Assets - Stock Depreciation - Bad Debts - Stock & Work In Process) / Total Current Liabilities. For Belgium, the Quick Ratio is calculated by: Total Current Assets - (Receivables over 1 year + Total Net Stocks & Work In Process) / (Total Current Liabilities + Regularization Account). For France, Liberia, and Germany, the Quick Ratio is calculated by: (Total Current Assets - Stocks) / Current Liabilities. It is not available for the United Kingdom or Ireland.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet..

The ratio of Annual Sales over Total Employees.

Indicates whether entity is certified by the Small Business Administration (SBA) for the 8(a) business development program. The SBA's 8(a) BD Program, named for a section of the Small Business Act, is a business development program created to help small disadvantaged businesses compete in the American economy and access the federal procurement market. Available for US businesses.

Indicates whether entity is certified by the Small Business Administration (SBA) as eligible to receive HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zone) contracts. Available for US businesses.

Indicates whether subject is a small disadvantaged company. SDB certification pertains to benefits in federal procurement. A small business must be at least 51% owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individual or individuals to qualify. Available for US businesses.

The Scorecard displays a composite graph showing the distribution of the supply base by Scorecard Risk Class. The Scorecard Risk is a custom risk indicator, based on the standard Scorecard Rules Base. Individual suppliers in each risk class can be identified by clicking on a risk class. Individual supplier scorecard graphs are also available, and can be viewed by both subscriber users and supplier users. The scorecard represents data for a 12-month period, including the present month.

The risk class for this entity (supplier) is calculated in the primary scorecard and is based on the standard Scorecard Rules Base. Possible values for the risk class are "Acceptable", "Moderate", or "Severe". The Scorecard Risk Class can be viewed on the Predictive Scores tab of a Supplier's record. For more scorecard detail for a supplier, click on the "Scorecard" tab at the left hand side of the supplier profile page. Scorecard risk can be selected as one of the criteria for monitored alert profiles on the Alerts Configuration tab.

A U.S. small business which is majority (more than or equal to 51%) owned and actively managed by a service connected-disabled veteran or service connected-disabled veterans. The term "service connected" means, with respect to disability or death, that such disability was incurred or aggravated, in the line of duty in the active military, naval or air service. (38 U.S.C. 101(16)) Available for US businesses.

Standard Industrial Classification system. SIC codes provide classifications of businesses and business units by type of economic activity. The system uses from a one-digit to an eight-digit classification, depending on how narrowly a business unit is defined.

Shows a given supplier's Performance Ratings compared with other suppliers' Performance Ratings within a given SIC group. Performance Quintiles rank the Performance Ratings in a SIC group and divide them into roughly 20% groups. The first (best) quintile represents the suppliers with the highest Performance Ratings. The second quintile represents the suppliers in with the next highest Performance Ratings. The fifth (lowest) quintile represents the suppliers with the lowest Performance Ratings.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is a number developed by the US Office of Management and Budget to identify industrial sectors. The first two digits identify the broad industrial sector (such as SIC code 20, Food and Kindred Products) and the third and fourth digits represent a facility's specialty within this broad sector (such as SIC code 2047, dog and cat food). The SIC codes have been expanded to 8 digits to provide for greater granularity. The SIC was originally developed in the 1930s to classify and compare establishments by the type of activity in which they were primarily engaged regarding various facets of the US economy. In 1997, the US government replaced SIC with NAICS. However, broad use of SIC codes remains.

SIC code upon which the SIC Benchmark calculations were performed.

Indicates the only location of a business, therefore it has no branches or subsidiaries reporting to it.

A business concern eligible for assistance from SBA as a small business is one that is organized for profit, with a place of business located in the United States. It must operate primarily within the United States or make a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes or use of American products, materials or labor. Together with its affiliates, it must meet the numerical size standards as defined in the Small Business Size Regulations 13 CFR 121.

A business that is certified by a federal, state, or local government agency as having met all of government standards relating to being disadvantaged. To qualify, business must be a small business, not exceed standards for Primary SIC, meet Contracting Officers´ assigned SIC code, be a U.S.Citizen and be 51% owned and controlled by one or more Socially & Economically Disadvantaged Individuals. Since October 2008, small businesses can self-represent their status as a small disadvantaged business. This appears as the sub-category "Small Disadvantaged" under the Small Business socioeconomic search criteria in Locator. Available for US businesses.

SME stands for small, micro, and medium enterprises and is a common classification supported by the European Commission. The main factors determining whether a company is an SME are number of employees, turnover and balance sheet total.
Company Category Employees Turnover or Balance sheet total
Medium-sized < 250 ≤ € 50m ≤ € 43m
Small < 50 ≤ € 10m ≤ € 10m
Micro < 10 ≤ € 2m ≤ € 2m

The D&B Supplier Stability Indicator (SSI) predicts the likelihood that a business will file for bankruptcy, cease operations or become inactive over the next 3 months based on information in D&B database.

The SSI Scoring System uses statistical probabilities to classify businesses into a 0-10 Score Scale where 0 represents businesses that have the lowest probability of ceasing operations/becoming inactive, and 10 represents businesses with the highest probability of ceasing operations/becoming inactive.

The foundation for the SSI and underlying models is D&B's global database of suppliers and the observed characteristics of these suppliers. The below tables are the Global Performance tables of the SSI.

Table 1 - Global Performance Table for SSI Ranges

SSI Score Range % of Suppliers Probability of Ceasing Operations/Becoming Inactive
0-10 100% .68%
1-10 83% .80%
2-10 68% 0.94%
3-10 54% 1.10%
4-10 44% 1.26%
5-10 35% 1.45%
6-10 24% 1.77%
7-10 17% 2.02%
8-10 12% 2.32%
9-10 8% 2.63%
10 5% 2.96%

Table 2 - Global Performance Table by SSI Class

SSI % of Suppliers Probability of Ceasing Operations/Becoming Inactive
0 17% 0.08%
1 15% 0.19%
2 14% 0.31%
3 10% 0.41%
4 9% 0.55%
5 11% 0.80%
6 6% 1.10%
7 6% 1.39%
8 4% 1.73%
9 3% 1.99%
10 5% 2.96%

The SSI Level of Insight is a descriptive dimension that indicates at a glance how much predictive insight is available on a business based on information reported to D&B. It also has special categories that help identify businesses that are under high risk scenarios such as Open Bankruptcy, Ceasing Operations, Business Deterioration and others. Level of Insight is available on all suppliers, regardless of geographical location.

The Level of Insight is derived from the Data Depth indicator which measures at a more granular level the amount of predictive data available on a business and has been used in its risk assessment. In general, higher the percentage of predictive data attributes, greater is its Data Depth and Level of Insight.

Table 1 - US Data Depth and Level of Insight Table
Data Depth Description Level of Insight
A Rich firmographics, extensive commercial trading activity, and comprehensive financial attributes Robust prediction
B Rich firmographics, extensive commercial trading activity, and/or basic financial attributes
C Rich firmographics, extensive commercial trading activity, and no financial attributes Decision Support
D Rich firmographics, partial commercial trading activity, and no financial attributes Directional
E Rich firmographics, sparse commercial trading activity, and no financial attributes
F Basic firmographics, trace commercial trading activity, and no financial attributes Basic
G Basic firmographics and no financial attributes
H Out of business High Risk Event
I Unable to confirm
J Bankruptcy
K High Risk - Severe
L Self-reported DUNS support record
M Business Deterioration - Severe Risk

Table 2 - Canada Data Depth and Level of Insight Table
Data Depth Description Level of Insight
A Rich firmographics, extensive commercial trading activity Robust prediction
B Rich firmographics, partial commercial trade activity
C Basic firmographics and partial commercial trade activity Decision Support
D Rich firmographics, sparse commercial trade activity Directional
E Basic firmographics, sparse commercial trading activity
F Rich firmographics only Basic
G Basic firmographics only
H Out of business High Risk Event
I Unable to confirm
J Unavailable
K High Risk - Severe Risk
L Unavailable
M Unavailable
N Insolvency/unable to pay debts

Table 3 - Global Data Depth and Level of Insight Table
Data Depth Description Level of Insight
A Financials with trade Robust prediction
B Financials only
C Without financials, but with rich trade only with payment trends in the recent months
D Without financials, but with historical trade only Directional
E Full firmographics and business activity signals
F Full firmographics only Basic
G Basic firmographics, business activity signals, or macroeconomic attributes
H Out of business High Risk Event
I Unable to confirm
J Open Bankruptcy
K High risk - severe risk
L Self-reported Duns Support
M Business Deterioration - Severe Risk
N Insolvency/Unable to pay debts
P Ceased Trading and Liquidation Process
R Business Financial Embarrassment

Main sub-entity of the country/region in which a business is located.

Date of current financial statement. May be full date, month and year, or year only.

A marketplace in which securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded. The core function of a stock exchange is to ensure fair and orderly trading, as well as efficient dissemination of price information for any securities trading on that exchange. It may be a physical location where traders meet to conduct business or an electronic platform. They are located around the world with some of the more famous ones being the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq (NDAQ ), and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).

An arrangement of characters (usually letters) representing a particular security listed on a stock exchange or otherwise traded publicly. When a company issues securities to the public marketplace, it selects an available ticker symbol for its securities which investors use to place trade orders.

Organization that subscribes to Supplier Risk Manager.

Role for a user who is entitled to manage user accounts for a subscriber. A customer of Supplier Risk Manager may appoint more than one subscriber administrator.

Label for a subscriber's identity in the Supplier Risk Manager database.

In some countries, indicates whether open suit(s), judgment(s), petition(s) and/or payment remarks exist in the D&B database for the company.

Any business or organization that provides, sells, delivers, or otherwise trades in goods or services.

The Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating (SER) is risk metric that helps supply management professionals evaluate the long term risk of doing business with a supplier. The SER score is based on a scale of 1-9, with 1 representing the lowest level of risk and 9 implying the highest level of risk.

For suppliers whose headquarters are located in the United States and Canada, the SER Rating predicts the likelihood that a supplier will cease operations, regardless of debts outstanding, or become inactive over the next 12 months based on the depth of predictive data attributes available on the business.

For suppliers whose headquarters are located outside the United States and Canada, the SER predicts the likelihood that a supplier will cease operations or reorganize without paying all creditors in full, or obtain relief from creditors under state/federal law over the next 12 months.

The SER provides a consistent risk ranking across the global. That is, a SER of 1-6 is at or below average risk and 7-9 is above average risk, irrespective of supplier location.

Performance tables vary by country/region. The SER Score is available in 33 countries: United States, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland/Southern Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand (available only on businesses on which customers have inquired upon), Morocco, Australia, and New Zealand.

US SER Projected Performance Table with an example that illustrates how to interpret the columns in the table to aid in supplier risk assessment.

% of US Businesses in D&B
Supplier Database(Approx.)
Projected Rate for Ceased
Operations/Becoming Inactive
1 13% 1.28%
2 15% 2.14%
3 12% 3.06%
4 13% 3.74%
5 18% 5.37%
6 11% 8.02%
7 3% 9.27%
8 12% 12.96%
9 3% 21.05%

Example: At SER class of 8,

Canada SER Projected Performance Table with an example that illustrates how to interpret the columns in the table to aid in supplier risk assessment.

% of Canadian Businesses in
D&B Supplier Database(Approx.)
Projected Rate for Ceased
Operations/Becoming Inactive
1 15.2% 0.19%
2 15.6% 0.29%
3 13.7% 0.50%
4 17.9% 0.79%
5 19.4% 1.28%
6 13.5% 3.29%
7 3.1% 9.34%
8 1.4% 12.83%
9 0.3% 13.22%

Example: At SER class of 8,

Identifier provided by the subscriber. The Supplier ID is generally the code or number used by the customer to identify the supplier in its enterprise systems.

Any data such as surveys or qualitative metrics that are used to calculate supplier performance ratings.

Rating scores calculated by Supplier Risk Manager. These ratings are predictive of a supplier's performance in one or more aspects of performance.

SAAS deployed Supplier Information application that enables customers to specify and monitor their supply chain.

Tier 2 Suppliers - a suppliers´ supplier.

The list of companies registered with Supplier Risk Manager by your organization. The supply base may be registered entirely at the corporate level or it may have multiple children.

An entity (commercial or non-commercial) identified by the customer as a supplier.

A series of questions that pertain to a specific topic, for example, Company Information. Surveys are initiated by a Customer user and assigned to a Supplier User. Survey responses are visible on the Supplier Provided Data tab.

Main telephone number of a business. Different countries may have telephone numbers of varied lengths, which may or may not include the country/region or city access codes. Each country/region does have an access code (contained in the International Dialing Code field), which must be used when dialing cross-border into that country/region.

Supply chain for Tier 1 suppliers.

Total amount of current and long-term assets.

Total amount of all current (< 1 year) assets.

Total amount of all current (< 1 year) liabilities.

Number of persons employed by a business. For a headquarters location, this may include branch employees.

The "Employees Here" number is in parenthesis next to "Total Employees". It is the number of employees associated with this specific location (D-U-N-S®).

Total liabilities owed by a business.

Additional business names used by a business, also referred to as a DBA (doing business as) name or AKA (also known as) name.

The trade-up entity reflects the headquarter location associated with the branch displayed on the profile page. Since the branch is a secondary location that is not a separate legal entity, please refer to the trade-up entity for more information on the business attributes driving the risk scores for the branch location.

Any activity or requests such as orders, purchases, changes, deliveries, and so forth.

Data elements associated with a transaction as defined above. This may include data from purchase orders, accounts payable systems, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, and so forth. Customers may provide transaction data to be used in their Scorecard.

The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a classification of goods and services developed by the United Nations in order to facilitate electronic commerce.

Required for using the Supplier Risk Manager application. User accounts include a user name, password, entitlement level, and general information about the user.

Identifier provided by the customer. The Supplier ID is generally the code or number used by the customer to identify the supplier in its enterprise systems. See Supplier ID

A business that is a least 51% owned by one or more veterans, who control and operate the business. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. The term "veteran" (38 U.S.C.’101(2)) means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released there from under conditions other than dishonorable. Available for US businesses.

Under U.S. SBA Guidelines Small Business Act (PL 85-536) as amended states: Small Business Concerns owned and controlled by veterans not less than 51% owned by one or more veterans and in the case of a publicly owned business not less than 51% of the stock is owned by one or more veterans. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. The term "veteran" (38 U.S.C.’101(2)) means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. Available for US businesses.

A U.S. business that is a least 51% owned by one or more Vietnam Veterans who served between 1/1/59 and 5/7/75 and have control and operate the business. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. Available for US businesses.

A list of companies that a user is monitoring. A watchlist is either a public or private folder that has an Alert Profile assigned to it. Users receive alerts and are asked to complete surveys for all companies on their watchlist(s). Public or Private folders that do not have an Alert Profile assigned are NOT considered watchlist(s).

A business that is included on at least one watchlist for a user.

Link to the website of the entity.

A business that is at least 51% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women who are US citizens.

A Women Business Enterprise usually certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility.

Year that the entity actually commenced present operations. If the entity was formed to acquire or continue the operations of a preexisting entity, then the start date may reflect this original start date.

Part of a physical address: the code identifying the geographic subsection of the city in which a business is located. Referred to as a ZIP code for U.S. companies and Post or Postal Code globally. See Postal Code.

Limit your search to suppliers located within a specific continent, country/region, state/province and city or county. You must first select only one continent for a search from the drop down menu. You must then select one or more countries from the pop up window. In order to drill down to the 'city or county' level, limit your 'country/region' and 'state/province' choices to a single entry.

Many suppliers have more than one line of business. Check this Secondary Industry Classifications box to include up to five additional industry classifications per supplier in your search.

SEARCH TIP: Using 8 digit SIC codes versus 4 or 2 digit SIC codes will improve your ability to retrieve a manageable number of search results and avoid hitting the search limit of 1,000 records.

Limit your search to suppliers that have a Supplier Stability Indicator (SSI) or Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating (SER) that falls within a certain range. A higher score indicates greater supplier instability or risk of failure.

Limit your search based on special events as indicated in the D&B database.

By default, each special event will not be applicable to a search ("N/A"). However, you can choose to limit your search to supplier for which a special event exists or for which the event specifically does not exist.

For example, you can search for suppliers where open suits are indicated in the D&B database or you can search for suppliers where open suits are not indicated.

The data depth criteria describe the level of data available that is incorporated in the assessment of whether a business will no longer be viable.

The level of insight derived from data depth is depicted by descriptors:

The descriptors provide a scale from highest to lowest level of predictive insight that is used to assess company viability. Businesses in the Robust Predictions category carry the highest level of predictive data while businesses in the Basic category typically carry rudimentary data, inferring the lowest level of predictive insight.

The data depth criteria also include special categories such as out of business and bankruptcy designation. Selecting multiple boxes will be treated as OR logic.

Check a box to limit your search to suppliers that have the corresponding socioeconomic status. Leave a box unchecked if the status is unimportant for your search.

If you select more than one primary category: Small Business, Minority Owned, Women Owned, Veteran Owned; the system uses AND logic and the search results will consist of companies that have all the Socioeconomic characteristics selected. For example: If you select Small Business and Women Owned, the search results will return results of Women Owned Small Businesses. If you wish to receive results of either Small Businesses OR Women Owned businesses simply conduct two searches and on each search select one of the criteria.

If you would like to go deeper and search for a specific subset of the primary categories, the secondary categories will be treated with OR logic. For example: If you select both Disabled Veteran and Vietnam Veteran, the search results will contain companies that are owned either by Disabled or Vietnam Veterans.

Limit your search based on number of employees, which is one gauge of a company's size. "Employees Here" is the number of people at a single location of a business. "Employees Total" is the number of people employed by all branches and subsidiaries of a business.

Limit your search based on annual sales, which is one gauge of a company's size.

Limit your search based on the year a company was started (the age of a company). The year specified must be 4 digits (e.g. 1995).


SUITS/JUDGMENTS INDICATOR - Indicates whether open suits, open judgments, petitions, or payment remarks exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

LIENS INDICATOR - Indicates whether open claims, liens, protested bills, warrants, Social Securities Summons, or equivalent exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

DISASTER INDICATOR - Indicates whether special events concerning disasters such as fire, hurricanes, etc., exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

FINANCIAL/LEGAL INDICATOR -Indicates whether special events, including financial embarrassment and legal filings, exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS INDICATOR - Indicates whether criminal proceedings exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

OUT OF BUSINESS INDICATOR - The Out of Business Indicator will turn "on" within Supplier Risk Manager whenever FSS=0.
This occurs when a supplier has ceased operations at a physical location, is undergoing financial reorganization (e.g., Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Liquidation), or has been bought out by another firm and is now operating as a different legal entity. In the latter two cases, the company may physically continue to transact business with customers. However, the company has legally changed and normal contractual protections may no longer exist. It is worth noting, that it is possible for a company’s Out of Business Indicator to go “on” due to a Chapter 11 filing, and then turn “off” when the company successfully returns from Bankruptcy.

OPERATIONS INDICATOR - Indicates whether special events exist in the D&B database that concern changes to the business´ operations. These include categories such as name changes, management changes, change in legal form, control, or capital, business wind up, closures or moves.

OTHERS INDICATOR -Indicates whether special events, not otherwise specified, exist in the Dun & Bradstreet database against this supplier.

OSHA INDICATOR - Indicator of violation of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards. Violations are cited by OSHA as a result of inspections.

FAMILY OSHA INDICATOR - An OSHA indicator that applies to at least one member of a supplier’s corporate family. The family includes branches, headquarters, and divisions.

EPA INDICATOR - Indicates the number of enforcement actions that have been taken against the facility within the twenty most recent complete quarters (5 years) by the Environmental Protection Agency.

FAMILY EPA INDICATOR - An EPA indicator that applies to at least one member of a supplier’s corporate family. The family includes branches, headquarters, and divisions.

EPLS INDICATOR- The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) identifies supplier facilities that have been excluded by the U.S. Government from receiving federal contracts or certain subcontracts, or certain types of federal financial and non-financial assistance. When this indicator is ON, you may expand the indicator to see additional information concerning the CT code, agency, and term date. The CT (Cause and Treatment) code indicates the cause of the exclusion and the treatment for the exclusion. The agency is the organization that placed the supplier on the exclusion list. The term date is the date the exclusion will end.

FAMILY EPLS INDICATOR - An EPLS indicator that applies to at least one member of a supplier's corporate family. The family includes branches, headquarters, and divisions.

OFAC INDICATOR- OFAC stands for "Office of Foreign Assets Control". The OFAC indicator is on for an entity when OFAC has placed this entity on its list of "Specially Designated Nationals", or SDN. OFAC describes the SDN as follows: "As part of its enforcement efforts, OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country/region specific. Collectively, such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them.

FAMILY OFAC INDICATOR - An OFAC indicator that applies to at least one member of a supplier’s corporate family. The family includes branches, headquarters, and divisions.

GCL MONITORING INDICATOR - A screening process that compares supplier records against over 30 different Government Control Lists of restricted entities.

Assess suppliers' potential vulnerability to cyber threats and the likely impact of a breach on their financial health to help protect your organization's supply chain.

The output of a risk scoring model that analyzes open source intelligence (OSINT) information collected from publicly available sources to assess an organization's security posture based on vulnerabilities and potential impact to the business. Both the raw score and the class score are displayed.

Common controls stating that the configuration of systems and services must be hardened against known vulnerabilities, including open ports that are common threat vectors or email and DNS data that is not validated against potential forgery or manipulation.

General common controls that call out for an activity, particularly as it relates to vulnerability management associated with maintaining up-to-date web application security and software versions or configurations.

Common controls that cover the practice of defending information from unauthorized access or use by protecting data within and across networks, including databases and records archives as well as individual computers and their software.

Common controls which specifically state that a document must be produced to set forth policies governing operations and procedures, such as insecure systems, potentially damaging public communications, or the use of company resources to propagate malicious or unsolicited activities (e.g., spam).

Predicts severe financial impact directly related to a breach based on Dun & Bradstreet's financial scores and ratings of companies and their firmographics.

Table 4 - Scan Score Ranges

Scan Score Range Rating Class
553-800 Low Risk 1
469-552 Lower than Average Risk 2
414-468 Average Risk 3
368-413 Higher than Average Risk 4
300-367 High Risk 5

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